CarnationSpray Carnations are charming variations of the traditional carnation, featuring multiple dainty blooms on a single stem. Their textured allure and diverse palette of colors make them a delightful addition to bouquets and arrangements.
Color: The original natural color of carnations is bright pinkish-purple, but Yellow carnations hold various meanings, and their symbolism can vary depending on cultural context. Yellow carnations radiate joy, friendship, and happiness. Their sunny hue brings positivity and warmth. They are ideal for celebrating birthdays, offering get-well wishes, or simply cheering up friends.
Care tips :
Spray carnations are extremely sensitive to ethylene, a gas produced by fruits. Keep them away from fruit bowls to prevent premature wilting or damage.
Cutting the Stems: Use a clean, sharp knife or secateurs to cut the stem of your spray carnations. Trim the stem 2-3 centimeters to ensure better water absorption.
Remark: Fresh Flowers without Vase.
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